Monday, 21 November 2016

वास्तु शास्त्र और हमारी आर्थिक स्थिति

हम अपनी पैंट या जीन्स की पाकेट में कई चीजें रखते हैं.... छुट्टे पैसे, पेन, रुमाल, एटीएम की पर्चियां, घर की चाबी, इत्यादि। कई बार जेब में जरूरी सामान रखकर हम भूल भी जाते हैं, जो कपड़े धोते समय मशीन में साथ ही धुल जाता है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि वास्तु शास्त्र, जिसे ज्योतिष शास्त्र की बेहद खास विधा माना गया है, जो हमारे जीवन को सुख से भरने के काफी काम आती है, उसके अनुसार ऐसी कई वस्तुएं हैं जिन्हें हमें अपनी जेब में भूल से भी नहीं रखना चाहिए।

वास्तु शास्त्र सकारात्मक एवं नकारात्मक ऊर्जा के बारे में बताता है। तो जाहिर है जेब में रखने वाली ये वस्तुएं भी इन्हीं दो सिद्धातों से जुड़ी हुई हैं। तो चलिए जानते हैं, ऐसी कौन सी वस्तुएं हैं जिन्हें हमें पाकेट में रखने से बचना चाहिए।

पुराने बिल
किसी भी चीज का बिल... फिर चाहे वो खाने-पीने पर खर्च किया हुआ हो या फिर आपके घर-ऑफिस के बिजली का बिल हो। इसे अपनी जेब में रखकर ना घूमें। ये बिल निगेटिव एनर्जी को न्यौता देता है और आपके आर्थिक जीवन के ऊपर संकट पैदा करता है।

आपत्तिजनक तस्वीरें
ऐसी तस्वीरें जिनमें गुस्सा, ईर्ष्या, विरोध की भावना हो... इन्हें जेब में ना रखें। इन्हें घर के भीतर भी ना लाएं। ये हमारे आसपास बुरी ऊर्जा को विकसित करती हैं।

आप अपनी जेब में पर्स तो जरूर रखें, लेकिन यह पर्स बिल्कुल सही होना चाहिए। पर्स कहीं से फटा हुआ या फिर खराब हालात में ना हो। क्योंकि वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार फटा हुआ पर्स आपकी आर्थिक स्थिति पर अटैक करता है।

जेब में यदि नोट रख रहे हैं, तो उसे सही तरीके से रखें। नोट को बुरे तरीके से मोड़कर रखना वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार सही नहीं है।

खाने-पीने का सामान
 हमारी जेब में अक्सर टॉफी या चिप्स के पैकेट होते हैं, लेकिन वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार खाने-पीने का सामान जेब में नहीं रखना चाहिए। यह बुरा प्रभाव डालता है।

दवाओं से निकलने वाली ऊर्जा व्यक्ति के ऊपर निगेटिव प्रभाव करती है, इसलिए जेब में इन्हें रखने से बचें।

नुकीली वस्तुएं

पिन, चाकू, सुई... ऐसी कोई भी वस्तु जेब में ना रखें। वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार नुकीली वस्तुओं को घर में भी रखना अशुभ होता है। लेकिन रसोई में इन्हें रखने से बुरा प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता। क्योंकि घर का वह कोनाअग्नि’ तत्व वाला होता है।

धार्मिक वस्तुएं
ऐसी चीजें जिनका धार्मिक महत्व हो, जैसे कि मौलि, कलावा, सिंदूर, इत्यादि को जेब में रखकर ना घूमें। यदि ये इस्तेमाल करने के लिए ना हों, तो इन्हें घर के मंदिर में या फिर किसी भी मंदिर में जाकर रख दें।
अब जानिए क्या रख सकते हैं.....

उपरोक्त हमने आपको कुछ ऐसी वस्तुओं के बारे में बताया जिन्हें जेब में रखना अशुभ है। लेकिन वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार ऐसी कौन सी वस्तुएं हैं जिन्हें जेब में रखना लाभदायक सिद्ध हो सकता है, आइए आगे जानें.....

लक्ष्मीजी की तस्वीर

मां लक्ष्मी की तस्वीर को पर्स में रखना शुभ माना जाता है, लेकिन उनकी ऐसी तस्वीर जिसमें हाथी दिखाई दे रहे हों, इसे सबसे अधिक शुभ माना गया है। इसे आप जेब में रख सकते हैं।

तांबे-चांदी की चीजें
तांबे-चांदी से बने सिक्के या फिर देवी-देवता के प्रतीकात्मक स्वरूप को जेब में रखना शुभ माना गया है।

पीपल के पत्ते
वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार पीपल के पत्ते कई प्रकार के बाधाओं को नष्ट कर देते हैं।


यदि आपको समुद्र के भूभाग पर मिलने वाला असली सीप कहीं से मिल जाए, तो उसे अपनी जेब में अवश्य रखें। जब भी कोई शुभ कार्य करने निकलें, तो यह सीप आपको सकारात्मक ऊर्जा प्रदान करेगी।


गुरु यंत्र, शुक्र यंत्र.... इनके बारे में तो सुना ही होगा आपने। वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार जेब में श्रीयंत्र को रखने से हर मनोकामना की पूर्ति होती है।

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Importance of Vastu in Our Daily Life

The importance of Vastu in our life is that it brings prosperity and happiness. Vastu is very reasonably based on analytical science but not on assumptions. Vastu Shastra acts upon a given space and allows positive energy to flow. The best part of Indian Vastu Shastra is that, it's guidelines are  too easy and simple to follow in your daily life. The flexibility allows almost all construction to apply Vastu principles.Vastu extracts energy from the five basic elements of nature - the solar energy (Sun), lunar energy (Moon), wind energy (Atmosphere), earth's magnetic energy (Earth) and fire energy (Fire). The balance of all these elements of nature is what brings prosperity in the life of a person. Vastu thus enables to bring harmony in the life of people who follow the guidelines of Indian Vastu Shastra.

Top Indian Vastu Shastra Tips

For survival, man needs three essential things; food, air and shelter. And while building a shelter, you need to take care of few things as per Vastu Shastra which are as follows.


Bedroom is the place, where you relax and take a break from the stress. This is the room that enables you to have a sound sleep and rejuvenates you for the next day. Nearly 1/3rd of your life goes in sleeping, and if the bedroom is designed as per Vastu sashtra principles, it will take care of this 1/3 of the life.
Ideal place to have the bedroom is South-West or South. This is also applicable for the master bedroom, which can be in South or South-West. The entrance should be in North or East, but not in South-West.

Sleeping Direction

The head should be in South and the legs towards northern direction for a sound and peaceful sleep. You should never place your head in North direction as it may cause ill health, bad dreams and insomnia.

Sleeping with your head towards the East direction is most effective quadrant, particularly for students since this is the place where all the positive energy is stored. Students, when they get up early in the morning, can turn to the right side and get the energy of the Sun. This way they can start their day with positive energy.

Prayer Room

After bedroom, the most significant place in the house is the prayer room. Here when you place the pictures of deities it should be on the eastern side only. Pictures of the deceased person should not be kept with the deities, but on the outside of the altar.

Do not build your prayer room under the staircase, it is not considered auspicious. The space under the stairs can be used for storage. Picture of deities should be placed on the east, so wards can pray facing east.

Tulsi Plant

Every conventional house recommends planting of medicinal plants or herbs, or flowers to perform pooja. These plants with their fragrance and healing power add positive energies to the ambiance.

As Per Vaastu, it is considered to be auspicious to have a Tulsi plant in front of your house. It wards off negative influences from your house. The Tulsi plant should be placed in the front of the house (not directly) to the main entrance. The ideal place is East.


Kitchen is where you prepare food, and according to Vastu Shastra, there is a prescribed place for kitchen.

The kitchen, as per the Vastu Shastra, should ideally be the North-Eastern part of the house. The ruling planet of kitchen is Venus, because fire is said to be the ruling element. The kitchen should not be located above pooja room, bedroom or toilet. It should be in the North-East part of the building.


A living place that is Vastu compliant provides inmates a stress-free, peaceful, and progressive life. Most of the time, we have seen that bathrooms are made anywhere in the house, which tends to radiate negative energy in the house. As Per Vastu principles, bathroom should be built in a specific location. Bathroom should not be constructed in any corners of the house. Ideally the Eastern part of the house is the best place to have a bathroom. The toilet should be built on the north-west or west part of the building.


As per Indian Vastu Shastra, it is perfectly alright to build the staircase in the West or South direction. Since the staircase is said to be a heavy structure, and if placed in south direction, it will block all the negative energy, and there will not be any adverse effects. When the stairs are built, it should always rise from the East direction to land on West or start from North to land on South. The places you should avoid building a staircase is in the northeast direction and the center of the house.

Monday, 7 November 2016


Best Vastu Tips

  1. Allow a bright light on the main door.
  2. It is best to leave only maximum 5 door open.
  3. Avoid keeping a T.V. set in bed-room.
  4. Avoid keeping any water feature or plants in the bed room.
  5. Do not use separate mattresses and bed-sheet.
  6. Place a picture of bright sunrise on southern wall in living room.
  7. The wind should come from south-west in the bed room.
  8. Dining-room should not expose to the front door of your house.
  9. Never put mirror in kitchen.
  10. Keep the broom and mops out of the sight in kitchen.
  11. Keep the bathroom and toilet door closed as much as possible.
  12. Windows should open outward normally.
  13. Do not keep prickly cactus, plants in the house.
  14. Place an aquarium in the south-east corner in living room.
  15. Place a happy family picture in living room.
  16. Please check the gate of the lift is not in front of the main gate of the house.
  17. There should not be obstructive houses surrounding your plot.
  18. The house should be fully airy and has enough water resource.
  19. The seat in the latrine should be NORTH-SOUTH.
  20. In the office, sit facing the door
  21. Hang a picture of mountains behind you in the office.
  22. Place the computer on your right side on the table.
  23. A ladder to go up stair curved on the right side should be devided in to two parts.
  24. It should be constructed leaving north-east or south-west direction.
  25. Ladders stepping down towards north or west creates waste of Lakshmi.
  26. One should never hoard stale food, withered flowers, torn clothes, waste paper, waste materials, empty tins, old jars and useless things.
  27. These things prevents Lakshmi from entering the house.
  28. If there is marble flooring in the house you should see that the old leather shoes are not lying here and there.
  29. Marble is considered to be holy stone. If possible avoid marble in bedroom, bathroom, latrine.
  30. In a place of worship in the house it is necessary to have open atmosphere. Use marble in the worship room.
  31. Take care that there is enough light and air. Latrine should not be near worship room.
  32. keep cleanliness and always light in sense sticks.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Vastu - A Result Oriented Science

Vastu Shastra has grown out of life. It has its techniques of identification with nature. Life and destiny are a part of the universal fabric of nature. In Marathi, this is described as “pindi te brahmandi”.

Today, Vastu Shastra is yet to be discovered and systematized. And that is why some intellectuals may have a reckless urge to dismiss it as totally irrelevant, ground-less and even superstitious. But as a matter of fact, this science has outlasted the history of modern science and it continues to yield amazing powerful results on many people in their lives and works.

In The present day of urbanization and sophisticated modernization, the principles of vastu sastra are still applicable. The effects, good or bad, which have been ascribed to particular directions are still found to work.

I have found that even in the concrete jungle of Mumbai, if the rules of Vastu are implemented, people can get positive results. Thus it is rightly described in the Vedas as eternal (Sasvata) Science. Not only in the flat-system, but even in two rooms tenement chawl system, one can get positive results and get relief from problems.

In the building that have already been constructed, a common man is helpless in making structural 
changes. Even then, if he effects changes in the arrangement of rooms, he can reduce ill-effect at least to the extent of 30 to 40 % and gain about 25 to 35 % positive effects. Vastu is great boon to any grief-stricken and financially over- burdened family.

Unfortunately, modern builders and architects do not care at all as to how happy a person is who purchases a flat and occupies it for years together. I do not blame them, because they have never been taught this age-old science. They feel that once they design and erect the building or structure, their responsibilities are over. But no, this should never be the attitude of an architect. And that is why vastu sastra specifies as to how an architect should be. Even the roman architect Vitruvius specifies as to how an architect should be.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Bedroom Tips for Newly- Weds

Indian Vastu Shastra For Newly-weds Bedroom

As per Vastu mandal there is a special room assigned for the newlywed couple in the between north-west and the North. It was called Rati-Grih. The purpose of this particular allocation must have been
  • The position of the abode Bhallat who is a representative, a Moon which is the epitome of romance.
  • Looking at this from a purely social perspective, this room is across the Brahmsthala from the Master bedroom – probably to maintain the decorum and privacy for the both the elders and the young couple.

Furniture Layout as Per Vastu :-

  • The bedroom furniture layout remains more or less the same as that of the Master Bedroom i.e.
  • The headboard of the bed should be placed in the South or the East.
  • Heavy furniture like the wardrobe in the South or the East.
  • Television in the bedroom is highly avoidable – although a music system or heat convector any electrical appliances may be placed in the South east of the Room.
  • Air conditioner & Coolers may be placed in the North West sector of the Room.

Decoration as per Indian Vastu Shastra:-

  • The bedroom for newlywed couple should be decorated tastefully to achieve a romantic ambience.
  • Since this area is ruled by the moon, vaastu advice use of white color. hence a color scheme of pastel pinks and peaches would be ideal, as this infuses an element of passion, pink & peaches belonging to the red family.
  • The room may be decorated with Artifacts & wall hangings depicting nymphs, angles & harps or the other such romantic representations. Depiction of nature may also be used which are pleasing to the senses.
  • Fresh flowers may be arranged aesthetically in a vase for added beauty and freshness. The flowers may be roses, rajnigandhas, mogras or any sweet smelling pleasant colored ones.
  • The attached bathroom cum toilet may be located on the west side of the room.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Childrens Bedroon Vastu Tips

Our ancient Shastra has not specified anything in particular about rooms for children. It, however prescribes different areas for each of the activities in different directions of the house. This was done as there was enough space to allocate one room for one activity and all in different directions.

Vastu Advice for Children's Bedroom

Today, however things have changed- lack of space and specially change in lifestyles decrees one room for children, where all their indoor activities may be provided for.

  •   The North-west of the presided by Vayu or the wind god, who is characterized by restlessness, constant movement and perpetual change. Children similarly are restless by nature and require constant change due to their short attention span. Hence, the bedroom for children should ideally be located in the North West sector of the house. This position encourages children to be active and full of energy.
  •    For older children a room in between north & north- east or east and north-east areas may be assigned. This is the region occupied by lord Shiv himself who represents knowledge and ruled by planet Guru which gain denotes Gyan or knowledge. The location of the room will be helpful for children pursuing studies at this would encourage concentration and receptiveness.

  • There should be lots of windows opening towards the east & north sides as this brings all the goodness of the morning sun in the room which is invaluable for growing children.

·         The Student while studying should face the east the direction of the rising sun

·         The study table should not face a wall- if due to space constraint, it may be placed against a window.

·         The storage of books, Cloths, toys and games may be made in the South or the South West

Monday, 14 March 2016

Vastu Tips for Compound Around Building

Top 11 Advice as per Indian Vastu Shastra for Compound Around Building

  1. The Compound gate  should be on North East or North-West or South - East Only.
  2. Trees grown on West and South Direction can be taller than the height of the Building.
  3. On the East and North directions, trees should not be taller than the height of the building.
  4. No flower pots should be kept on the compound wall or on the walls of the Building of North and Eastern Side.
  5. No Arches for Plants should be made on the compound wall or on the walls of the building of North and Eastern Side.
  6. Shed or outhouse or water closet or bath should not be provided on North or Eastern side of the Building.
  7. Staircase should not be on the North- East.
  8. The steps of the staircase should be provided in such a manner that climbing should be towards North or towards East.
  9. Compound wall on the South  or West can form part of a room or the building, while there should be a gap between the main building & compound wall on North or East.
  10. The height of compound wall on the West should be higher than that on he East. The height of the compound wall on the South or West should be higher than that on the North.
  11. If any vertical addition is to be made, it should be on the South or West of the existing building.

for more tips & remedies Visit us @

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Vastu Tips for Layout of Building

             The Various Remedies or Tips of Vastu for Building are following:-

  • It is preferable if the building faces East or North- East.
  • The Building Should never face South-east.
  • The South-west corner should be an exact 90 degree angle.
  • The House should  not face a mountain nor the shape of the house resemble a mountain.
  • The Building  should not be square,but could be rectangular.
  • The corners of any house should not be in line with the doors or window of any other house.
  • The Construction of the building should be such that the sun ray's shall fall on the building for three hours after sun-rise and three hours before sun-set.
  • The setbacks on North and East should be more than on South and West by 1.25 to 1.5 times.
  • All Corners of rooms should be perpendicular to one another from base of the roof.
  • North-West and South-East should not project beyond the periphery of the building.
  • The Colour washing can be a shown below: For House Facing East, White; South-East, gray;South,red;South-West, green; West,blue; North-West,white;North, green;and North-East, yellow.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Vastu Advice for Doors and Windows

Now a Days Vastu Plays an Important Role in Our Daily Life.In this Blog we are sharing several tips & Advices for Doors & Windows of your House. Follow these Vastu Advices while making your House.

Doors of Rooms should be in North-East or North or East.

The Main Entrance to the house can be one or maximum two on front side. More than two should be avoided.

In case of Main Door, the shutter should open inside. if the main door has single door,the hinges should be on the left side, when viewed from inside the premises.

The shutters of the big door should be made using three Planks, but should not be of the same variety.

The Total Number of Doors and Windows, taken separately, should be even in number and should not have zeros in he ending. Doors should normally be on North Direction.

Exit of the house should be on north or east or west in order of preference and not on the south.

The main entrance door should not face the inter-section of roads and no trees should obstruct the entrance. however, according to Vastu Shastra, if the distance between the entrance door and the above obstructions is more than the height of the building , the obstructions will not be considered inauspicious.

The entrance step should be an even number. the number of pillar should be an even number.

similarly, if beams are introduced in any room, or hall, this also should be an even number.

There should be no window on south-west side upto 12% of the length of the building.

In Delhi NCR Myvaastu Offer the Best & Affordable Vastu Services. you can Contact our Vastu Consultants for brief discussion about the Vastu For your Home. 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

वास्तुनुसार पाकशाला का निर्माण कैसे करे

Vastu Advices for Kitchen

पाकशाला के लिए सर्वेष्ट स्थान ग्रेहभूमि का आग्नेय कोण है | नेसगिर्ग रूप से यह अग्नि का स्थान है यहा उदयकालीन सूर्य की जीवन दयिनि रश्मीयो से लेकर दोपहर तक धूप रहती है अतऐव व्ज्ञानिक आधार पर भोजन बनाने के लिए यह स्थान सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त माना गया है|

पाकशाला मे आंतरिक संरचना मे भोजन बनाने का प्लेटफार्म पूर्व ऐव दक्षिण की दीवार के सहारे इस प्रकार बनवाए की उत्तर की दीवार का स्पर्श ना हो| प्लेटफार्म पर गेस-स्टोव या चूल्हा पाश्चिमभियुख ऐसे रखा जाए की भोजन बनाने वालेका मुख पूर्व की और रहे| भोजन बनाने वेल के लिए प्लेटफार्म का निर्माण लंबाई चोडाई मे आवश्यकतानुसार किया जा सकता है| रसोई घर मे टांड,बर्तन एव दाल मसाले आदि भोजन सामग्री रखने के लिए अल्मारियो का निर्माण दक्षिण पस्चिम की दीवारो के साथ करना चाईय| अलमारिया रसोईघर मे चारो दिशाओ की दीवारो केसाथ भी बनाई जासकती है परन्तु केवल पूर्व उत्तर की दीवारो पर ही अलमारिया बनाकर पस्चिम दक्षिण की दीवारो को खाली ना छोड़े | बर्तनोई सफाई के लिए सिंक उत्तर की दीवार मे ईशान कोण के ठीक मध्य को छोड़कर बनवाये|

भवन के ईशामकोण मे पाकशाला का निर्माण कदापि ना करवाए| इशान कोण देव स्थान होता है| अग्नि और जल परस्पर शत्रु है अत: इशानकोण मे रसोईघर के निर्माण से भयंकर परिणाम प्राप्त होते है| ऐसे घर मे निरंतर कलेह रहती है, अप्त्य्यहोता ही तथा पुत्र संतति का सुख नस्ट होता है|

आग्नेयकोण मे रसोई हर का निर्माण यदि संभव ना हो या बहुत असुविधाजनक हो ती भवन के वाय्त्य कोण मे रसोई घर का निर्माण करना चाहिए परंतु उसका निर्माण इस प्रकार हो की भोजन बनाने वाला पूर्वविमुखी होकर ही भोजन बना सके चूकि दक्षिणामुखि होकर भोजन बनाने से दक्षिण से आने वाले श्रणात्मक चुंबकीय प्रवाह के कारण प्राय: भोजन बनाने वालो के रक्त प्रवाह मे असमयता जाती है|

रसोई घर भवन का अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण अंग है यह वह जगह है जहा से संपूर्ण परिवार को भोजन के माध्यम से स्वास्थ दीर्घायु प्राप्त होती है अत: इस जगह का निर्माण करते समय अत्यधिक सावधानी रखनी चाहिए| रसोईघर का वास्तुसम्यत निर्माण भवन को अनेक प्रकार के वास्तुदोशो से बचाने मे सहायक होता है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए वेबसाइट पर आए:-